Make your
mission irresistible
to donors.
I show nonprofit teams how to engage and inspire donors for a fully funded mission.
Let’s equip your team to grow thriving donor relationships.
Here’s what we’ll create together.
Your team will gain flexibility and power with a comprehensive core messaging strategy to guide every piece of donor communication.
A Strong Comm Core
Your team will cultivate dynamic, meaningful relationships with donors using segmentation tactics that actually work and inspire donors to give their best gift every year.
A Proven Comm Strategy
Your team will operate efficiently and effectively, providing donors with a clear path for growing missional engagement.
A Comm Team in Sync
Tired of the daily donor development grind that doesn’t pull in the funds your mission needs?
Nonprofits have some of the most talented, hardworking teams I’ve ever met. But they are worn out. Donor development is a tough daily grind. There are endless donor engagement activities. But they produce varied results—and a bottom line that’s stagnant, at best.

Your mission is too vital and your team works too hard to keep missing the messaging mark with your donors.
The world you envision is possible when you crush the indifference donors have about your mission, resolve donor disengagement that leads to your budget anxiety, and stop the frenzy of unplanned, aimless communications.
Get a precise strategy for clearly and consistently communicating your mission to engage the donors who share your vision for a better world.